Quaid E Azam University jobs Islamabad
all information,number of post,how to apply.
You can without much of a stretch secure government positions from this site, most recent govt occupations are distributed on this site visit every day to get the most recent updates about government occupations, here we transferred all the public authority occupations 2022, which incorporate various offices.
Details of university jobs
As of now, Quaid E Azam University QAU is hoping to recruit a Photographer and Driver. Applicants from everywhere Pakistan are qualified to get chosen for this enlistment. Applicants who need to apply for these business open doors should audit the ad.
Up-and-comers having a place with Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Balochistan, and FATA having PSV Driving License and Matriculation capabilities might apply for these business open doors.
Wanted experts who need to give their administrations to the QAU should arrive at the qualification necessities. Definite data on qualification is accessible on the QAU site www.qau.edu.pk.
Post date | 4 August 2022 |
Education | Matric |
Company Name | Quaid e Azam University |
Location | Islamabad |
Address | Registrar, Quaid E Azam University, Islamabad |
Last date of apply | 17 August 2022 |
Vacancies post
- Driver
- Photographer
How to apply of this job?
- Application Forms and Challan Forms are transferred on the QAU site www.qau.edu.pk.
- Applicants can likewise get detail of uses submitted through the given connection.
- Applicants who need to download the Application Form and ToRs are mentioned to Click Here.
- Intrigued people might advance their applications by following the given application method in the notice at the latest seventeenth August 2022.
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Best of luck.
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